Monday, June 17, 2013


It happens every once in awhile.  That panicky feeling when I realize it's been a long time since I've seen/heard the baby.  Then I start badgering the kids about where Tikvah is at, have they seen Tikvah, and I start nervously looking from room to room.  On this particular day, when I asked, Joey informed me "Babi in my 'oom."  As I approached the closed door I wondered why I didn't hear any crying.  Usually when Tikvah gets shut in a room she cries.  Then Joey informed me, "Babi 'eeping."  More confusion on my part.  How did they get her in her bed.  When did they put her to bed?  As I opened the door, this is what I saw.

Babi 'eeping.

Passed out, in the middle of the floor.


1 comment:

  1. You have the best babies, Trisha! Seriously! That is awesome. :-)
