Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Upward Glance

At the Tim Pull house, if you happen to be lying under the coffee table in the living room and glance up, you'll find a record of moments from recent years, forever recorded in black marker on the underside of the table.  It might be hard to imagine what kind of moments one would record on the underside of a coffee table, so I've collected a sampling of photos to serve as inspiration for others looking to scrapbook on their living room furniture.

There are first visits from important people,

family quarrels,

engagements on the property,

boasting for the purposes of rubbing salt in a wound,

and big announcements at the holidays, to name a few.

It was no surprise then, when Tikvah's first visit to the Pull place

found Tim and Tikvah under the table,

recording the date and time of her visit.

She didn't seem too excited,

but in year's to come, she'll be reminded of her first visit to Grandpa Tim's place, direct from the hospital,

 whenever she has cause to lay under the coffee table and glance upward.

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