Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Same Stroll

We've taken a lot of walks since it warmed up outside.  They usually look something like this:

Xandra with her scooter and some hair accessory like a crown.

Aliyah with her stroller and Theia with a ride on toy.  After about two minutes on the ride on toy, which gets us about six feet from our drive, Theia changes her mind about the ride on toy and takes it back home while I snap photos of everyone else.  Then she returns to hold hands and walk with momma or push Joey in the stroller.  On this day daddy was at home working in the yard and Joey was napping in his crib.

Xandra leads the way on the scooter.

Aliyah sloooowly brings up the rear with her dolly and bear.

I stop to gaze at some flowers while I wait for Aliyah.  Theia runs ahead.

Someone begins crying at multiple points along the way.  This time it was Aliyah.

Everyone stops to pick buttercups and that cheers everyone up.

Xandra gets hot riding her scooter and starts whining.  I carry the scooter the rest of the way home causing me to wonder why I choose the two block loop instead of the one block loop.  Theia and Xandra walk ahead and Aliyah, refusing help, lags further and further behind.  She's little and it's hard work pushing that dolly stroller.

When we reach our circle we stop to chat with our neighbors, tell them all about our walk, show daddy our flowers, and then head inside for a cool drink of water.

Tomorrow we'll do it all again.  Same stroll.  Second verse.

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