Saturday, November 21, 2009

Score: Theia 2, Carpet 0

What would ever, ever, ever give me the idea that it was an okay (we're not even going to say good, here, just okay) idea to leave Theia without panties for a few minutes before her bath? Just because she's almost two, and nearly potty trained, just because I've said, "Poopy goes in the potty," or "You tell mama when you have to go poopy" a million times, just because she's actually gone poopy in the potty more times than I can count, or just because she can tell me that she has to go poopy in the potty and then go poopy in the potty, does NOT mean that if I leave her unattended and bare bottomed for even 2 minutes, she will be trustworthy enough not to poop on my living room carpet. In fact, I can guarantee that she will. How do I know? I've left her twice in the past two months in this condition and TWICE she has pooped on the carpet. How likely is it that she would need to poop right at the very moment that I'm not there and she's naked standing on the living room carpet? And, even if it's somewhat likely, how likely is it that she would do it TWICE in two separate incidents a month apart? It seems, very likely. But who's keeping score, anyway?

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