Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Porcupine at My Place

At 3 years, 3 months old, Xandra is:

quick to tell you that she likes butterflies, pink, purple, and green.

good at taking care of her dollies. They often get sick and need medicine (but not shots!), and she will put them in little baskets and cover them with blankies until they get better.

wanting to help me bake and cook in the kitchen. She often gets her stepstool out and uses it to stand next to me and watch/help when I'm cooking.

saying that she misses her Grandma & Grandpa (both sides, in case you're wondering), but that she'll get to see them at Christmas.

often gathering her blankets, bears, and pillows and bringing them to the living room to "take a nap."

Xandra in her Cubbies vest eating dinner
highly enjoying being in our Awana Cubbies program at church. She is OBSESSED with Mrs. Tallman (the director of Cubbies) and Cubbie Bear.

starting to experiment with eating new foods. In the last month she has eaten chili, hot dogs, chicken, and tomato soup. We're really enjoying this change.

learning her letter sounds. She likes to ask what words start with, and then have us sound out the first letter. Sometimes she guesses the letter we are making the sound for, but most of the time she guesses "J."

loves playing in water. Bathtime works and so does a sink with a trickle of water turned on and a few cups.

making up her own songs to sing.

still entertained by throwing all of the couch cushions on the floor and jumping into them.

still liking to organize things and put things in their place.

getting very good at picking up toys and putting them in their proper place. I think she likes being a big helper.

obsessed with folding the reusable flannel wipes we use with our cloth diapers. She insists that I save them for her to fold when she sees me folding laundry.

full of questions. She will ask why until you drop. I like her curiosity, although sometimes, for my sanity, I have to limit the questions.

an explorer. We have had so many instances this past month with her getting into things around the house: a bag of M&M's in the van, board games in the sunroom, socks in my dresser, candy corn in the kitchen, and water in the bathroom. I don't appreciate the disaster that she creates in her exploration, or what she explores, oftentimes, but I love her hunger for information.

still loving a lap and a good book. Especially her Highlights magazines from Grandma DeShon.

getting better at playing CandyLand. Much of the time she can actually move her game piece on her own and in the correct direction.

free with hugs, kisses and I love you's.

"growing bigger everyday." She likes to tell us this and it's a good reminder of how quickly she's changing and how I don't want to miss a moment.

I love you little porcupine.

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