Tuesday, November 17, 2009

22 and Counting

Theia is approaching the 22 month mark. At this time she is:

...learning her colors. Her favorites right now are blue and something that sounds like orange. When she picks something up she enthusiastically proclaims Booooo or Onge, whether or not the item is actually blue or orange.

...still sleeping like a big girl. In fact, last night we removed the gate on her big girl bed since it seemed to be more of a dangerous obstacle for climbing on than a safeguard for falling out of bed.
...working on potty training. She's very good at peeing/pooping on the potty if you put her on there, but is very inconsistent at sharing when she actually needs to go. She does also get VERY excited when she goes pee pee in the potty, as she yells, "Pee pee," at the top of her lungs when she is successful. She has also learned to chant "Canny, canny, canny, canny!" to ensure that she receives her well-earned candy after her successful potty time.

...highly enjoys playing with little things (magnets, buttons, coins, cards, etc.). She loves to put them in bags or containers and carry them around the house, stopping only to dump them out and put them back again.

...loves to follow big sister around. They pack up their bags with random toys and take the animals and doggies on trips to visit Grandma DeShon or Grandma Mary.

...still loves to wrestle and play rough and tumble.

...is FINALLY growing some noticeable hair on her head.

...says many words but also talks a lot of gibberish. Her favorite words right now appear to be my manky (my blanky), oats, Awiyah (Aliyah), nauwee (naughty), canny (candy), boon (balloon), and pease (please).

...is learning how to pray. She usually spends the entire time someone else is praying chanting, "I pay, I pay, I pay..." Then when it is her turn, her prayer sounds something like this, "Tnk you oats, Awiyah, sss, all done." Translation: Thank you for my oats and Aliyah, Jesus, Amen.

Excellent parenting here.
Not only do we not stop the child from putting plastic bags up to her face, we take pictures.

...no longer sitting in the highchair. She moved to the booster seat at the counter next to Xandra last month to make room for Aliyah in the highchair.

...enjoying sharing a room with big sister. They play and play at wake up time and sometimes in the middle of the night.

...definitely approaching the twos. She has some very real ideas about the way the world ought to be and is not hesitant to share those ideas with us.

...a joy to parent, and brings lots of laughter and joy to our home.

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