Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Cheerio Eatin', Crawling Machine

Aliyah just passed the 8 month mark and she is:

...crawling! She has been rolling and army crawling around the living room for a few weeks now, but yesterday she started hands and knees crawling to cheers from her sisters and momma.

...eating Cheerios and drinking from a sippy cup.

...eating oats and bananas (just like her big sisters) for the first time today. This is big news at our house since this is the breakfast of choice for everyone who is old enough to eat solid foods.

...sleeping 11-12 hours at night.

...wearing 6-9 month clothing.

...showing signs of teething, but not showing any teeth through the gums yet.

...puking on every square inch of carpet that isn't covered with a blanket. She is by far the winner in the spitting up category between our three girls. I've become very good friends with our carpet cleaner and the bottle of Resolve.

...a generally happy baby when she is fed, well rested, and wearing a dry diaper.

...very excited when her sisters give her any amount of attention.

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