Friday, September 17, 2010

A Peek at our Week

It's been a big week at our house.  Here are a few of the highlights:

Sharing and helping with the new baby. 

Was I ever really concerned that Aliyah wouldn't do well with the new baby?  From the moment she saw Joey, she's been great!
Homecoming celebration dinner. 
 It has been our tradition with past births to order pizza while in the hospital.  Joe's stay in the hospital was short this time since he left to take care of the girls and we never ordered our pizza.  We decided to do it our first night home so we could all celebrate together.

Holding the baby.
Xandra asks everyday multiple times if she can hold the baby.  She's a very proud big sister.

Even Aliyah has taken her turn holding baby Joey.


Farmer Training.

Visitors bringing meals

Friends Jillian and Faith share lunch with the older girls.

and staying to play awhile.

Friend Anna (6 months old) checks out the new guy.
Sponge baths.

Three girls at the counter and chocolate chip pancakes.

Toy sharing.
When we brought Theia home from the hospital, Xandra was 17 months old.  One of her favorite things to do to "help" with the baby was to bring Theia toys.  She would pile them up on top of Theia until you could no longer see her swinging in the swing.  Liyah is of the same "helpful" mind as Xandra.

 Awake time in new blue BOY clothes from Grandma.

Pooping in those new clothes from Grandma (don't let the pouty lip fool you, he was pooping and I caught it on camera, just seven days old and I have material for a slideshow at his wedding!)

Cooing, doting and lots of loving.

Just so you know the week has been normal, we've had our fair share of tears this week, too (momma included).  I just never think to snap a photo when someone is melting down, disobeying, hitting, pushing, yelling, whining, complaining or generally causing unpleasant mayhem about the house. 

All things considered:  tiredness, tears, soreness, snuggly newborns, big helpers, sisters, brothers, fighting, sharing, holding, playing, reading, eating, sleeping, and lots more, I'd say we're blessed beyond measure.  I wouldn't change a thing (not even the hard, sad, annoying things).


  1. It's so fun to see some blue in your house now :) I can't wait to see that sweet little boy again tomorrow. It looks like you guys are doing AMAZING!

  2. Seriously, you are freaking amazing. You have done ALL THAT?!?!?! I start to hyperventilate when I think about ONE other baby...though holding little Joey sure was nice...

  3. He looks like his daddy as a baby--except the new Joey has hair!
