Thursday, June 3, 2010

Polka Dot Parade

We've reached then end of a two week run of various sicknesses in our home, for which I'm very grateful (the end, not the sicknesses)! The parade of sicknesses went out with a bang last Friday as Theia developed this rash from head to toe on Friday. After a quick visit to the doctor (the third in two weeks) we were able to determine that she was having a reaction to the antibiotic Zithromax.

We stopped the Zithromax, but the rash continued to worsen all weekend.

Thankfully, she wasn't too bothered by it. A few bedtime doses of Benadryl to control itching was all it took.

She still has some slight skin discoloration almost a week later, but the bright red hives have all disappeared. Lets hope the next two weeks are less eventful in the sickness department!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Hives are so scary! I'm glad Theia (and everyone else too) is starting to feel better.
