Monday, March 24, 2014

The Mystery of the Disappearing Birthday Cake

For Xandra's seventh birthday we decided to take advantage of being near family and host a party with all the local cousins.  Everything was ready for the party to begin, and all the guests had arrived when we discovered the cake, ice cream and cake server had gone missing.  I blamed Joe.  He blamed me.  We were at an impass until Joe remembered that we could consult an unbiased, all-seeing third party: a hidden camera that was conveniently located in the area where I remembered last seeing the cake.  We quickly gathered around the computer to check the footage.


What we saw was surprising!

Someone had STOLEN the cake, ice cream and cake server from right underneath our noses!

Who could it be?  How would we find them? Where did they take the goodies?  This sounds like a mystery for the Boxcar Children (which, conveniently, happens to be Xandra's favorite thing to read).  They weren't available to attend the party, but since we've read so many of their mysteries, it wasn't hard to know what to do.

We decided it would be easiest to divide and conquer.  Auntie Beth and Grandma Mary took the youngest kids (Joey, Lucy and Kiyah) to the basement in search of clues to the missing cake.  I found them coming out a basement window hot on the trail of our cake.

They followed the trail of cake crumbs which led them to a pair of binoculars.

After following all of their clues, they eventually found the cake hidden in the quonset off the garage.

While those kids were hunting down the cake, Xandra and Cora, with the help of Joe and Uncle Ryan, were using the canoe to chase clues about the ice cream.

These clever detectives followed their many clues to find the ice cream hidden inside the no-longer-used entryway to the original front door of the house.

Our last crew, Evie, Theia and Auntie Laura, searched high and low for clues to the missing cake server.

Their trail led them to finally find the cake server hidden in the mailbox at the end of the driveway.

Once we happily recovered all of our items, we still wanted to know who the culprit was.  Luckily, for us, he left some clues behind with each item.

With the ice cream, a glove.  With the cake, a shaver.  With the cake server, a picture of the NDSU bison.

With these clues, we were able to conclude that it was a male, who liked the bison and who might be in possession of the other yellow glove.  Who could it be?

Whew.  Mystery Solved.  Uncle Ryan has been duly banished from all future birthday parties that will involve cake, ice cream and cake servers.

Now.  Let's Eat Some Cake.

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