Monday, November 15, 2010

What you Get at 4PM

This is what happens when you leave your camera on your bedside table after a 4AM photoshoot.

Your four year old finds the camera at naptime and takes a picture of her bunny,

then a few of her face.

Next she takes some shots of your messy room,

including the photo hanging above your bed.

Then she snaps shots of her beloved green blanky,

and daddy's Santa Bear,

and Santa bear with green blanky.

When she tires of that, she'll go back to photographing various body parts.

When she's got a really great shot of her foot, she'll snap a few new perspectives on your bedroom:

a light fixture and a wonky closet shot.

Then she'll sneak out of bed and photograph whatever she can get away with in the hallway.

Then she'll start playing with the settings on your camera,

at which point you enter the room and discover she's taken 85 pictures.


  1. WOW 85 Pictures! That's great entertainment! :-) Your post reminds me of the book "If you give a Mouse a Cookie"! So cute.

  2. Hello Everybody!
    What fun to catch up on your blog--you sure have lots of fun together with each other and with your friends! Since you are so good at planning pumpkin parties, I think I'll put you in charge of our Christmas party...

    Thank you for the wonderful time at your home. I love you all very much, and I'm looking forward to Christmas!

    Hugs and kisses to all,
    Gramma Mary
