Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Simple Fun

In early November, Grandpa Tim made another appearance in Bismarck.  This time he brought cousin Liam along.  While he taught classes all day, we enjoyed Liam's company and Grandpa's pool passes.


Gramps popped in at lunchtime to say hello and take a break

 and then left us to our fun.

Besides swishing down the water slide, playing with cups of water and splashing in the mushroom fountain, the kids enjoyed being chased by Joe.

And I enjoyed watching the show.

It was pretty entertaining.

After all our swimming we made a lengthy trip home in a blizzard.  What is normally a ten minute affair, took approximately two hours and involved:
1.  Joe locking the keys in the van while trying to clear snow off the cars.
2.  Joe and two kids riding in the Civic (we had both cars, thankfully since we had an extra passenger) to retrieve the extra van keys from home.
3.  Joe and the two kids missing a few turns and waiting long turns through lights that weren't working properly.
4.  Trisha and the other kids waiting and waiting and waiting at the hotel.
5.  Joe returning with the kids, the keys and a gas can full of gas because the van, which had now been running for an hour was in danger of running out of gas.
6.  Joe and Trisha attempting to fill the gas tank with gas but failing because the gas can was broken. 
7.  Piling all the kids in the cars, driving to the gas station and praying all the way we make it without running out of gas.
8.  Driving home in a blizzard and deep snow (a first for Trisha).
9.  Getting both cars stuck in the street just in front of our driveway.
10.  Snowblowing the driveway.
11.  Failing to get the Civic in the garage because the driveway is too slippery.
12.  Needing the assistance of two neighbors to get the Civic in the garage.
13.  Needing the assistance of two neighbors to get the van unstuck from the street and into the garage.

The rest of Liam and Grandpa's visit was pretty uneventful.  Just playing and popcorn and a few games of Match n Move Memory.

We like to keep things simple when we have company, after all.

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