Sunday, January 20, 2013


 On November 18th this guy officially and permanently graduated to big boy undies.

 We celebrated with new undies, and for two weeks afterward he:

1.  Wore his undies and only his undies most of the day and refused to cover them up with pants or shirt.

2.  Carried his undies around with him in a bin and changed undies no less than five times a day.

3.  Would run into the room where everyone else was, stop abruptly, stretch out his arms and say "Da da (Ta da)!" so everyone could see his newly donned undies.

4.  Would show anyone new to our house his new big boy undies, whether they cared to see them or not.

Someday we hope he'll be big enough to reach the sink

and deplore the use of pink toothbrushes, too.
One milestone at a time.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, JOEY!!! So very proud :-) And I would totally want to see your awesome new undies!
