Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One Last Visit

We had an extra day in Lincoln this year because the snow prevented travel to North Dakota. We spent the evening of our extra day with good friends, Erin & Ryan and thier four kiddos.

Erin fixed delicious chicken and noodles for dinner and we enjoyed a warm fire and a chance to meet their newest little one, Ellie (pictured above). All the kids had a great time, and managed to keep their clothes on, unlike this summer when we visited. On our previous visit I found three kids (two of them mine) in the basement happily playing in their underwear. Why do kids do the most embarassing things when other people are around? Why do their mothers write about it for all the world to read? In their defense, I think they just never got dressed after they took off the dress up clothes they had been using. My children refuse to wear their regular clothes under their dress up clothes, but usually ask me to help them get dressed when they are done playing. I guess there was just too much playing to be done to bother with getting dressed. Anyway, it was a good time (both times) had by all with lots of kids and lots of fun!

Going around the table starting with the closest child: Isaac (Kindergarten), Grace (2nd Grade), Xandra, Theia, and Noah (3 years) Not pictured: Aliyah & Ellie

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