Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stocking Unstuffers

The morning after we celebrate Christmas the girls (and Joe) wake up to stockings full of goodies. I especially love stuffing the stockings full of items I know they will love.

This year the girls got new hairbows. They also got a set of butterfly cup, plate, and placemat from the dollar aisle at Target. Theia refuses to wear the hairbows in her hair for more than 20 seconds, but they both love the bowl/plate/placemat combo. They eat on their placemats for every meal and use their new bowls/plates as often as they are clean.

They also got crayon wallets. I had a lot of fun creating this pattern and sewing these little wallets. They were especially great for our travels home the following day!

Theia LOVES little things, so included in her stocking were little tiny playing cards. She has enjoyed picking them up, putting them in various carrying devices and happily toting them around the house. This is hours of entertainment.

Also in the stockings were Christmas kitty pillowcases for the girls to put on their pillows at Christmas time (we took them home for their pillows while we were travelling so they'd get to use them this year), socks, underwear, clips, some candy, and an angel ornament Great Grandma Friess made for each of them.

There are no pictures of Joe opening his goods, but he got a stud finder which doesn't work, a wireless mouse, and lots of candy.

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