Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hide and Go Seek

In December Xandra and Theia began playing their first rounds of hide-and-go-seek together. It's been over a month and they're still playing. Here's what hide and go seek looks like at our house with a 3 1/2 year old and an almost 2 year old.

Aliyah's room, during diaper changes

Xandra hunts for Theia:
Xandra stands behind the blue chair in the nursery and counts, "One, two, three..." as quickly as she can all the way to 10. Theia runs around the room in circles (which is hard because the room is small) and then tries to get into the closet before Xandra is done counting. When Xandra's finished counting she walks directly to the closet and surprisingly finds Theia.

Theia hunts for Xandra:
When it's Theia's turn to count she goes behind the blue chair, says "Two (this is the only number she knows right now)," and then runs to find Xandra, who is surprisingly enough is also hiding in the closet. When Theia finds Xandra in the closet, she comes in the closet with Xandra to hide (I'm not sure who they are hiding from).

In plain sight:
For a really tricky game of hide and go seek Xandra will run into my bedroom and stand in the middle of the room to hide.

Xandra hunts for Daddy:
About the time they were beginning to play hide and go seek, Xandra asked Joe to hide from her one night while she was preparing for bed. Xandra went to the bathroom and when she came back daddy was hiding on the top bunk of her bed. She came in and out of the room several times, as did Theia, and never saw him up there. Finally he broke his silence and everyone, including Liyah, pigpiled on the top bunk. Those daddies are so tricky!

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