Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Two Warm Pink Blueberry Jammies

A few thoughts from the world of Xandra:

Spelling Lesson:

Xandra: "Momma, look, I spelled my name."
Momma: "Xandra, there's no X."
Xandra: "Oh."
Quickly adds an X and a backwards four to the end.

"That's your blueberry?" - She asked Joe this question last Saturday in wondering about his blackberry.

"I like pink and purple." - Something I hear from Xandra at least every other day. In a world where pink and purple are of great importance, one must understand that there are two shades of pink. Hot pink and warm pink. For those in need of translation, warm pink is light pink. "That's not hot pink, that's warm pink."

"Daddy is my husband." - No matter how many times I insist that daddy is my husband and cannot be her husband, she remains steadfast to her claim on him. I guess he'll have to buy two bouquets of flowers in August. One for each wife.

"Birdies don't wear jammies." - Recently Joe heard Xandra talking in her room after lights out. When he ventured into her room to see if she needed something, she informed him that birdies don't wear jammies, they don't have green blankies, or beds, or bears or bunnies. She and I had discussed this idea when tucking her into bed. She told me that the birdies were going to bed in thier nests with their jammies and blankies. I informed her that birdies don't have jammies and green blankies, just little girls have those. She then went on to list all the things birdies don't have and I agreed, kissed her, and left the room. Evidently this conversation was still on her mind half an hour later when he stopped in to check on her.

"I'm two." - Xandra's response whenever she meets someone new. They say, "Hello" or "How are you?" and she always responds with "I'm two," while holding up two fingers. Last week she did, however, inform us that she was four (Cousin Emma turned four last Wednesday (Happy Birthday, Emma!) and I'm thinking this is the reason for her sudden leap in age). Evidently she feels she can just decide what age she'd like to be. I'm thinking of adopting that idea, too. "I'm twenty-five."

"Where does God live?" - This question amidst a geography lesson about how one grandma lives in North Dakota and one grandma lives in Nebraska.

"Spankings are no fun!" - Had trouble stifling the laugh as I held her and agreed with her after her most recent spanking. It's too bad you can't type inflection, as that was the funniest part of the statement.

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