Monday, July 12, 2010

The Wiberry

A few weeks ago the girls and I made our first trip to the library (or wiberry, as Xandra and Theia like to call it) to check out books.  We returned our books this last Friday and picked out a few new ones to take home with us. 

I had no idea wiberry books would be such a smashing success.  They spend much of their days begging for Joe and I to read the wiberry books to them and when we're not reading to them, they often read to one another.  At the top of our favorites list right now are:  Caps for Sale, Duck and Goose, The Seven Silly Eaters (I personally can relate to this one!), A Kitten Tale, and The Princess and The Pizza. 

Fun, free entertainment with endless possibilities.  I'm sold and so are my three readers!

1 comment:

  1. Caps for sale! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!
    Andrew's favorite too. Miss you! Hopefully we'll connect soon! :)
