Monday, August 31, 2009

Party Poopers

Disclaimer: This post is not for the faint of heart. Faint of heart being defined as those who don't appreciate any talk about bodily excrement (aka my father-in-law, Tim, and my husband, Joe). If you're bothered by this topic of conversation, skip to the next post.

As a mom, life is often filled with unpleasant things like cleaning bathtubs and poopy diapers. Life is even more unpleasant when you're forced to deal with poop outside the diapers and in the bathtub.

In the span of one week, I cleaned the bathtub three times, and all because of children pooping where they should not have been pooping. Theia pooped in the bathtub during bathtime twice, and our friend, Andrew took his diaper off and then pooped in his feeted jammies while waiting in his crib for someone to retrieve him. Thus causing more poop in my bathtub as it was the only way to clean him up.

Poop is gross. It's gross in the diaper, out of the diaper, in your bath water, all over a kids body, and it's gross trying to clean it out of a bathtub!

When I reported my string of bad luck with bathtubs and bodily excrement to my friend Christa. She exclaimed, "Trisha Pull, no one is supposed to have three poop stories in one week." I agree. Maybe next time someone could send these kids the memo on number of disasters relating to poop in one week.

On a related note, we've never seen Xandra exit the bathtub so quickly as she did when Theia filled it with poop. That girl can move.

No picture for this post. You can use our imaginations. We also don't have a picture. Who takes a picture of their kids poop in the bathtub, anyway?

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