Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Translation, Please!

Most moms translate what their children say and do for others.  I, however, seem to be in need of a translator. 

Recently, seeing she had finished the food on her tray and in her bowl, I asked,
"La (one of many nicknames for her), do you want more?"
She replied, "Nah(in a short and clipped tone, meaning no)!
So, naturally, I asked, "Are you all done?"
She replied, "Nah (in the same short and clipped tone, still meaning no)!
Then she promptly put her bowl on her head and smiled at me.

What does THAT mean?

Translation, please!

1 comment:

  1. I can't help you there...Ferris hasn't done that yet :-) But isn't that picture worth the confusion?!
