Thursday, February 11, 2010

Christmas Celebrations III - Kid Version

Evie tries to open her present with Cora coaching and Liam observing

After a long day of travelling we arrived in North Dakota just in time to say hello, feed our kids some grub, wrap presents, and partake in the Pull family Christmas - for kids. The adult version took place several hours later after the kids were all sleeping.

There was much excitement around the room as we did our best to keep kids waiting patiently while others took turns opening gifts.

One of Xandra's first gifts was this tube of Tootsie Rolls that becomes a bank when all of the candies are gone. This was a big hit, especially since she got to sample some of the candy right away.

While Xandra opened her gifts, Evie happily tried on her new skirt and shirt and found the scarves and hats, too.

In another corner of the room, Cora was tearing into her crayon wallet.

Not to be left out, Theia opened a present with little sticker foamies and a Memory game. Both of which she loves.

Liyah was very interested in all of the action. She got some great presents, too, but mostly wanted to crawl around, get in everyone else's presents and play with some beads she found on the floor.

There was also a book that makes lots and lots and lots of noise that she received. She really likes to play with it, but often can't get her hands on it because her older sisters are playing with it instead. Mommy keeps hoping the batteries will run out and never get replaced, but so far they're holding strong.

The fun continued with purses, play money, ponies, potato heads, and packaging.

Then there was playing,

more playing

and hugging galore.

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