The pictures don't do the scene justice, as I didn't catch all of the things on the floor in front of and behind the couch. Just in case there is any confusion, that IS nearly every board game we own (probably 12-15 games, I didn't have the heart to count) pulled from the top two shelves of the bookcase behind Xandra, opened, and then dumped on the couch, coffee table and surrounding floor. I think the conversation went something like this:
Mamma: "What are you doing?"
Xandra & Theia: Silence and blank stares
Mamma: "Get up, now."
Xandra: "I can't."
She really couldn't move. She was barricaded in by all of the games around her.
Mamma: "Wait. Don't move."
I leave to go get the camera so I can at least take a picture of this because I'm sure no one will fully understand what has happened unless I show them pictures.
I returned to the sunroom, took a picture and then carefully lifted Xandra from the couch and sent both girls to separate rooms. I worked on picking up the games while I cooled off. For awhile, picking them up just made me more mad. It's hard to count trivial pursuit pieces when you're so mad you can't think straight.
As I picked up the games I also found that Theia had actually peed her pants while playing the games, with no thought of mentioning it to me. Really encouraging on the potty training front! She not only peed her pants, but she peed all over Chutes & Ladders. The only consolation in now having to clean up pee, games, and peed on board games, was that it was one of their games. A small evening of the score for having to pick up 100 scrabble tiles, all the cards for Apples to Apples, a deck of cards, Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit pieces, 100 Upwords pieces, 88 Blockus pieces, etc. Yes, I counted all of these pieces out one by one (several times) trying to make sure I had the games complete before they went back on the shelves. If their Chutes and Ladders smells like pee for all of eternity, we'll call that fair for me having to spend approximately 2 hours picking up their disaster.
After some time and lots of cooling off, I went to talk with the girls and hand out consequences. I then left them in their rooms to sit awhile longer while I picked up the games some more.
When I went back to get the girls, Theia was asleep. I attempted to wake her, but it was to no avail. Xandra came out to eat lunch and promised to be on her best behavior. Before I started preparing lunch, I headed into the bathroom only to find this:
In case it's difficult to tell what this is, it is a toilet with pee in it and an entire roll of toilet paper undone from the tube and dumped on top of the pee. Xandra went back to my room for another round of consequences. When we got back to my room I found that while she was in there the first time, she had taken great joy in emptying my bedside table drawer and my sock drawer. I was not impressed.
About this time, Theia woke up and had, of course, peed her pants in bed while she napped. She's wet, her pants are wet, and the sheets are wet. I got her up, cleaned her up and fed her some lunch. Xandra ate lunch in my room. When Theia went back to bed for her real naptime after lunch she was not interested in sleeping because of her little catnap before.
After naptime, in which no one took a nap, I went in to get Theia up and found this:
If the picture's not clear, that is a picture of Theia's diaper only half covering her bottom. When she pooped during "naptime" it came out of the dipaer onto the bed. Let's just say poop was everywhere. Not a happy moment for mamma. Xandra wasn't happy either as she kept saying, "Mommy, Theia's poopy is everywhere. Ooooh, gross."
At this point (about 3:30PM) I'm ready to go to bed and start again tomorrow. Joe's not expected home for at least another 3 hours and I'm left wondering what else could possibly go wrong.Thankfully we survived the day. I'm glad I cannot recount another day in all of my mothering that even comes close to holding the disgusting challenges encapsulated in this day. May it always be so!
At the end of the day, Joe came home to my horror story and shared that he'd had his annual review. Unlike the chap who was reviewed just before him, he will be keeping his job. Nothing like a little perspective at the end of a long day. Things could always be worse...Joe could be jobless at home helping clean up pee, poop, socks, board games, toilet paper, and dresser drawers!
I also plan to hold this day, with all the pictures, over their heads for the rest of their lives. In fact, I'm already planning the illustrated talk for both of their weddings.
Had you not taken pictures of this most horrific day, no one would ever believe you. Having heard about it and now reading it, I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around it. BUT you lived to tell about it and that's worth celebrating. :)
ReplyDeleteWow! That's like a bad nightmare that you just can't wake yourself up from. Maybe you should install survelance cameras in every room of your house :)
ReplyDeleteI laughed hilariously at pretty much each new development of this story. Laughing, but all the while feeling very empathetic, or at least trying to. I'm thankful you made it through to share the story, and I'm sure the girls will thank you some day as well! :)
ReplyDeleteAt our wedding, I want her shit covering my cock while she takes my surname